Welcome to my redesigned website! www.elizabethmibarra.com is a showcase and resource website which features artist information, my virtual art gallery, free Le Studio; Art Classes with Sass acrylic lessons, information about my esoteric counseling/readings as well as Lizzy's Mystic Crystals Etsy link and sneak peek page: https://www.elizabethmibarra.com/lizzy-s-mystic-crystals
My goal is to provide you with artwork, several forms of inspiration; including esoteric guidance and access to my powerful healing jewelry. Crystal Healing is something which I believe (from personal experience) is helpful with manifesting and generating good energy. Each crystal, mineral and gemstone has its own particular energetic vibration associated with healing specific ailments; strengthening the emotional, psychic and physical imbalances which so often leave us feeling out of alignment. I have witnessed clients drawn over and over again to a particular pendant while shopping for a gift for someone else. I would point out to them that they were being called to the crystal which was meant for them to wear personally. The recognition of that often brought calm and joy to my clients' demeanors as they realized that they were tapping into their psychic intuition to find the healing they needed. I mention this in the past tense as I no longer sell jewelry in public markets as I used to. Safety restrictions have completely altered how I am able to sell my healing jewelry.
My beautiful, one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces are now available for purchase via my Lizzy's Mystic Crystals Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CraftyElly . I provide crystal healing information with each pendant, which makes it easier for you to decide which pieces best support YOU on your self-empowerment healing journey, or for anyone else you wish to gift to. I like to remind my clients that (of course) I make no official claims that my pieces actually heal ailments. What they hold is powerful energetic symbolism, which the wearer will focus on by meditating/praying/manifesting and setting intentions while wearing the pieces. I bless each piece of crystal art-to-wear with sage smudge and positive incantations for optimum crystal healing. Each peace is imbued with affirmations and white light to best prepare your healing crystals for your (or your loved one's) energetic healing. Once a crystal is handled and worn by you; it is yours and yours alone. Treasure it and may it bring you the balance and inspiration you seek! Thank you for your interest and support.
With light, love and crystal blessings, until next time,
Elizabeth M. Ibarra